Accidentally Bought Food I Loathe: Anise
I bought some anise today, because I'm trying to partake in new, healthy foods. Unfortunately, it tastes like the only food in the world I would starve to death rather than eat: BLACK LICORICE. I cannot eat this. I called my parents to see if they wanted it, and they turned me down with a laugh and shudder. Does anyone…
Hi Ladies! I was glad to find a women only group :) Looks like it's been awhile since anyone posted. Is this group hidden from general MFPers, or can they see all our topics and posts?
Restaurants - With and Without GF Menu Items
I thought this might be a nice thread to have: experiences with restaurants and whether they have GF options or not. I did a search and didn't find a similar thread, but my apologies if this is a duplicate. I'll start. Portillo's does NOT have a gluten-free menu nor, apparently, any GF items. I called the one in Buffalo…
Terrible skin/Eating enough calories while GF
Hi! Sorry for the story, but I'm having a major problem and can't find enough information online. I've been GF (not Celiac's, but was only eating 1200-1400 calories a day, and exercising, and still weighed 190 pounds) for about 6 weeks, and my skin is absolutely horrid. It wasn't even this bad when I was a teenager. I have…
Minoxidil for women - this would fall under the "chit-chat"
...category. Definitely NOT under "fun" or "games"... Anyway, do any of you MFP ladies use minoxidil? I've been on it for 3 years. It always caused a little scalp irritation, and a teensy bit of dandruff. However, for the past several months, my noggin has become unbearable. Redness, flakes, acne, bumps, sensitivity,…
Silly little (well, not little) me. I decided to get on the scale on Sunday, after months of fresh produce, raw nuts & dried fruits, and breaking up with my beloved froo-froo coffee drinks. I waited months to weigh myself, because I didn't want to get discouraged. I knew that if I hopped on too early, I'd be setting myself…
So, I did a topic search and found very little on the subject. When I Google DHEA, the information appears to be mostly guesses and not at all helpful. Has anyone had experience with DHEA? My HRM seems to think I'm burning way more calories than I'm consuming overall. Even the treats I have every couple of days aren't…
Foot Discomfort, Pain, and Numbness While Exercising
Sorry to make a new post, but the other topics on foot issues weren't specific enough to my problem. I do the elliptical machine for 60 minutes at a time. Lately, my left foot (my right foot goes numb too but doesn't have the other problems) not only goes numb from the pressure, but also starts to cramp and get really…
Better Exercise Routine
Hi everyone. I did search in the previous topics, but couldn't find the information for which I was looking. So, I apologize if this has already been covered! Does anyone know whether 'tis better to do cardio: 40 minutes, 3 times a week? 30 minutes, 4 times a week? 25 minutes, 5 times a week? *pretty sure this routine…