I'm a stay at home mom of 3. I just turned 30 in January and by my count I'm nearly 80 lbs overweight. My husband made a loving and rightly placed but hurtful comment about my next 30 years and it kicked me into gear. In 7 weeks I've lost 8 lbs and I'm reading the best book ever and I'm eating awesome and exercising but my…
Hello, I was doing very well with weight loss (I was down 15 lbs at one point), but allowed an injury and fear of re-injury get in my way. I have now lost nearly all my original progress. I am looking for people to have as friends who can be motivational without being judgemental or cruel. I'm also looking for people who…
Hi all, I am curious to find out who is doing workout videos, which ones they have tried, and what they like best about their favorite one. Let me know!
Hi, I work full time, I have a son, and a boyfriend, I work full time, and I am trying to lose 29 more lbs (for a total of 72 lost). I want to be stronger, feel better, fit into my skinny clothes again, and just overall lead a better lifestyle! I fall into this pattern where I am very successful, and just as I reach a new…