I want this to be where everyone says what their workout was today and for how many minutes/hours , that would really motivate us all, especially newcomers. I worked out today for 60 minutes ; running and walking. :D
I know this is completely non-weightloss related , but I had a question; How can I improve my writing skills and really expand my vocabulary? Tell me some of ur tips that u use on a regular basis, Im interested in knowing other peoples methods and techinques :)
I am interested in knowing everyones workout routine!
State all the things u learned from ur weightloss journey ! :D How u deal with bad moments, how u reward urself. etc. ..
if u have reached ur goal weight or not... how would u maintain ur weight and not gan it back ? i mean, how often would u exercise? like less than before or what ? in a restaurant, whats do u order instead of french fries?
Hey everyone, i find it really interesting to know what nationality ppl think i am. so everyone try to guess what the nationality of the person above u is.