I started jogging a long time ago, and now that I'm in my 50s, it seems like I MUST get out there and jog or I gain weight. It doesn't seem fair that all those people who got to relax in their 30s and 40s now hit 50 and decide to work out and see results right away because their bodies aren't used to it. If I want to lose…
Does anybody know? Is 100% 1200mg, 1000mg or ???
Since getting braces about 5 months ago, I've had a lot of food-related laughs. The day I got them on, I went home and had rice for lunch. Holy cow, I might as well have taken the rice and stuck it to my teeth. So here's my short list of what people with braces should carry a toothpick for: 1) rice 2) couscous 3) salad…