So many facebook (and mfp) posts that said "our prayers are with you" to all those devastated by Sandy, and so few that said "what can we do to help?". I know many are really helping, I send $ to Red Cross, but how many people really think that prayers will help and that that is good enough? Just as a PS. As much as I… If you get the argument that you need religion to be moral, then the above weblink is useful. So is the morality section of John Loftus' The Christian Delusion: Why Faith Fails. In fact the entire book is great. For a laugh try this test…
of course need to replace what looks like potatoes with something like shredded cabbage and I'm assuming those are homemade sausages. I found these amusing and wonder just what you could do with them if you wanted to stay primal. I suppose ground beef wrapped in seaweed for the sushi bazooka but the "rice eating tube" I just…