mensasu Member


  • All I can say is "Thank You God" (Tim Minchin is a hoot)
  • Make sure you are getting enough good fats. I find if I am having about 1 Tbsp of coconut/mct oil I have no problems.
  • I try to say happy holidays or seasons greetings, but having been raised Xian, Merry Xmas sometimes creeps out. I won't use religious holiday cards and this year I might actually have my husband convince not to send any out. Might just go with a 2012 annual recap letter, it tends to be more personal than those cards. I do…
  • :drinker:
  • Oh Bacon we have seen on high!
  • I had mine for 35 years. When I first got it cleaned the dress came back with a very slight pinkish tone. I think they cleaned it with some of my bridesmaids' dresses. Over the years the lace trim yellowed badly. When we decided to move across Canada from a large house to a very small basement apartment it was finally time…
  • I haven't agreed with People's picks for years now. And watching some of those GIF's made me think of the Village People. :laugh: I prefer smoldering subtle sex appeal over overt in your face groin gyration.
  • Emergency rooms in Canada are also to stabilize patients. My mother got quite a lecture about how unless there was continuing risk of death that they had to monitor she should expect to be sent home and follow up with her family doctor the next morning. They do what they feel is due diligence to ensure you can breathe on…
  • OP, I had the same problem in Vancouver. I actually paid for 2 MRI's during my time there. You might shop around cause $1000 sounds high. The other thing to do in the interim is see a sports doctor and if your medical plan pays for it see a physiotherapist. The MRI will point to possible surgery needs, but you might get…
  • Good to know. I started to enter one and found it was way too much trouble so I stopped.
  • I found I could wear them with no break in period - no strain on back or tightening of calves which they warn about. I found them quite cushioned. However what I found was that their sole was too rigid with no real sense of what was below them, almost like wearing high-heeled wedged shoes, but with a rocker and if I walked…
  • Mine causes problems also. When I researched it on the web what I found was 1) Must be on level surface 2) Not on hardwood (I found this surprising, but it has too much "give") 3) Do not move it! 4) Step on the same way each time and the same foot location 5) If it has "body fat" keep in mind that that measurement is…
  • Also we now live with more stress. And don't get enough sleep. We've taken too many antibiotics, and get too many hidden in our meats. We use air conditioning both at work and home. We've destroyed a good portion of our ozone, been exposed to many many pesticides, and the pollution is so bad they are predicting that this…
  • Could be your lungs, have you had your breathing tested lately? Is it just when you try to run, or do you have the same problem when you do other things like climb stairs?
  • I guess it depends on what your family likes. I never go wrong with meat and veggies. What type of recipes are you looking for? Crock/pot, casserole, deserts, baking???? For a "one dish" I make an eggplant/ground beef chili - hot. We decided we really don't like stirfrys - for us they did not have enough flavour thats why…
  • I don't have cats - allergies but my sister does and one of them has gotten "spiteful" when her daughter is away for the weekend. This cat continually pees outside the box. I also remember a friend that has a cat they had to put on prozac cause it was peeing/spraying and was shorting out electrical plugs! When I visit my…
  • I bought a 10 and they were way too small. Gave them to my niece who wears a 9. I had been told before buying them that they ran small. Maybe once the insides pack down a bit they get closer to true, but unless I went barefoot there was no way I could wear them. And yes they were authentic.
  • I don't know if its cause I'm low-carb or just age but my girls this time round are not decreasing, at least not yet. I wouldn't mind a bit of a lose to match the drop in my waist and hips. My abdomen is also shrinking which is where I carried most of my weight (apple shaped).
  • I do as I am trying to lose weight and to overcome bad past eating practices. Logging in MFP reinforces my need to keep portion sizes reasonable, to stay within my eating windows and to avoid non-paleo food. I will likely continue to log for at least a year after reaching my goal to determine exactly what "maintenance…
  • Go to My home...goals...change goals and set your calories to meet your dieticians recommendations ... you have a professional helping you out so use their calories and ignore MFP. MFP is just a generalized suggestion for a wide range of people and should not be used to override your dietician's recommendation.
  • Not sure why you say *everyone* or use *goal* in the singular. Lots of people on MFP have multiple goals and weight is quite often just one of them. Why weight? Well weight for many of us that started off as obese is the easiest marker to tell us we are on the right track with our transformation. For many they can't really…
  • Or "regaining our health". I remember a long time ago I heard or read something that said we should never say "lost the weight" as it would reinforce in our subconscious that it is something we should "re-find" at some later date. So I'm all for your working off the *unnecessary extra* weight.
  • And use the search feature!
  • Make your own, then you can be sure of what's in it BTW I wouldn't use rapeseed/canola - I prefer EVOO, but I just read that you can't even be sure of getting just EVOO in bottles marked EVOO!
  • Great question - I only remember the start of the last post and want to know if he was "found" also.