I'd like to be able to run..

hi all
I'm really struggling to achieve one of my goals and I'm not sure why..
I'd really like to be able to just go for a run, but I get puffed out so ridiculously quickly! even when I was in pretty good shape a few years ago I just couldn't do it.
the thing is, I don't think it's a matter of fitness, I think I psych myself out, because I get all puffed and panicky as soon as I start, well before I should legitimately be spent.
I tried C25k, but as soon as the running periods got over a few minutes I just couldn't do it, despite spending weeks on the same level hoping to improve.
is this normal unfitness, or am I mentally wrecking my efforts?


  • I would like to run also..I do more walking but I try to run at least a min or two and then walk about 5..it's hard..i used to be a runner..but after running for a bit, my shins start to hurt and feel bruised..i have good shoes but maybe their not good for me..i would love to try to do a marathon of some sort but I know I'm not ready..i'm taking it slow so that I don't make myself start to hate running..i see all these runners and they make it look easy...
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    C25K works but you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone to progress. When you do the running segments you don't have to be sprinting, some people actually seem to run slower than they can walk. Take the runs easy and concentrate on your breathing. I bought a heart rate monitor because what I often perceived as my heart beating way too fast was really not true. A lot of running is just a mental game.
  • I started the couch to 5 k in May and just finished running my first half marathon! The problem that I had with running in the past was pacing myself. I would try to run too fast and would end up with shin splints. I started running at a pace of about 12 min/mile and am now at 10:30 min/mile. Maybe you are trying to run too fast? Also, the right shoes and running with a group or a friend can be helpful. Also, signing up for a race got be motivated to run for a longer period of time. Drinking plenty of water also helps you to not be out of breath. I usually drink 2 bottles of water before I run long. 1 Bottle if I am running under 3 miles. And I eat before I go out...something small. I cannot run on an empty stomach. Actually, I find the more I eat, the farther I can go (of course you need to wait for some time after you do that to run).
  • Also, a large part of running is mental. Probably at least 50% mental. I usually do a check- "Am I in pain? No. Ok, keep going!" I like to use Runkeeper to track my pace and distance to try to improve.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    for me, it was about focusing on my breath and my strides. i tune everything out, except for my music and focus on breathing and strides.

    I also read once that if you can't mouth or sing along to your music playing, you're running too fast for your ability.

    I look/sound silly when I run because I am always mouthing the words to my Pandora "Flo Rida" channel. LOL

    It keeps the beat per minute I run to, and I up and down my pace with the songs to keep a good rhythm.

    I just started running in September, and would do a mile at a time and would be completely winded. Fast forward to today, and I'm running a 5K in around 30 minutes with a nice .25 mile sprint at the end.

    I've still got a LONG way to go, but that's how I've done it. No C25K, just pushing myself to my limits, and recording each run with Runkeeper to measure my success.
  • brittamh
    brittamh Posts: 137 Member
    I never in my life thought of myself as a runner, actually I hated it. Now I can say run. I may not run fast but I am running up to 2-4 miles a day and some days as many as 6 miles. I started out with small running goals and worked my way up. I know I will never be a fast runner but I am happy with being able to run farther than I ever have in my life. You can do it! Like other people have said, so much of running is mental. Your mind gives up so much faster than your body does:) Good luck to you!
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    Could be your lungs, have you had your breathing tested lately? Is it just when you try to run, or do you have the same problem when you do other things like climb stairs?