Yes, I will first consult with my doctor to make sure this is ok... At the complex I work in there is a gym that I could go to for free. Of course up until now I've had NO desire to go. I have been walking a lot and I've been able to increase my speed from 2 miles a hour to over 4 miles an hour. I've also been doing the JM…
Soooo When you "burn" fat. Where does it go? Do you pooh it out? Pee it out? Asking for a friend.
Ok, I've read a lot of posts about the 30 day shred. So, for those of you that are doing it / have done it. Do you have to be in somewhat decent shape to do it? At one time I was fairly athletic, now I got some extra poundage on me. Can you start and go at your own pace? Next.. Anyone want to start a 30 day shred Challenge…
know water is good for you and I get my water in plus some. What's the benefit of water? I really never knew what it did other than make me pee lol. Does it just flush out bad stuff? Thanks!
I know water is good for you and I get my water in plus some. What's the benefit of water? I really never knew what it did other than make me pee lol. Does it just flush out bad stuff? Thanks!
I woke up this morning and decided I was done with excuses! I made my breakfast and tracked it. I walked and tracked it. I made my lunch and snakes for the day. Today is my first step. I know it won't happen over night, but if I keep doing these things everyday there will be some big changes in me! I'm 36 years old, i just…