<<<Anyone have pathtags to trade?
Just so you all know, I HATE having my picture taken! I have ALWAYS hated having my picture taken since I was married at 18! Now here I am at 45 and for the first time in 27 years I asked to have my picture taken. Last week was our family vacation. A cruise out of Baltimore. I have lost 70 pounds, my husband is hot as heck…
I am considering a new piece in white ink on my wrist. Has anyone seen any that they like or know of anyone good in the Detroit or Chicago area? I really like the look, but my local guy is really trying to talk me out of it. I would prefer having someone do it that enjoys the effect as well.....you know?
So, Friday is my 10 year anniversary. I need some suggestions on how to celebrate that doesnt include FOOD. I work and my husband stays home with our son, so he is in charge of the cooking. I have told him to please not plan anything special 'foodwise', but I would still like to celebrate. Anyone???
OK, I admit that last weekend was my son's 12th birthday and we took him to a hotel with 8 buddies to swim. I ate the pizza AND the cake, but I logged it! I am walking at lunch with a coworker and bike riding when I can. This morning again the scale was up....3 day in a row, up! Wrong direction, my friend........ Now that…