INITIAL WEIGHT...not updating it in goals but my initial weight!!!!!! Someone who knows please let me know. This is really bugging me!:sad:
I lost 4 pounds and when I went to enter it in it said I had less weight to lose than I did initially but it still said 0 pounds lost. I entered the info in the weight progress area...am I doing it wrong??:sad:
A pound of body fat equates to approximately 3500 calories. So if you have a calorie deficit of 500 calories (meaning that you burn 500 calories more than you eat each day) you would lose approximately one pound per week: 500 x 7 = 3,500 It's easy to see that a calorie deficit of 1000 calories would mean that you'd lose…
I just started this morning and I am keeping track of my meals and I feel like I have been eating all day and I still have 477 calories left . It said I earned them by exercising but my question is....do you have to consume all of the calories you are given in order to lose the weight. I watched Biggest Loser and I…