Just wondering .. I've looked it up and a lot of people talk about 10-20 pounds in 2 weeks time .. Just wondering if anyone has tried it and your thoughts on it :)
Your bestfriend started talking to your ex ?? Just recently my bestfriend started talking to my ex , we weren't to the extreme of talking about marriage or anything like that but to the point of where we met eachothers kids .. well last week he asked if she was single and then they started talking and when i asked her…
Is there any websites that help you meal plan for the week? Like you click on the food and ingredients you have or will have and they put it in a meal for you ?
Uhh ok i don't think anyone in my "real" life understands how i feel about food and my weight or anything so im hoping u will .. Right now i feel like losing weight for me is hopeless :( just a little over a year ago i was hot ! had a pretty decent body i even danced at a gentlemens club ! i have gained close to 80 pounds…
Has anyone tried it ?? Its pretty cheap so wondering if it really works ? :)
What should i eat and what workouts should i do if i want to lose atleast 30 pounds by November ?? Really trying to get the weight off before mt birthday !