I have a quick question regarding eatting on long run days. If I run over 6 miles I find that I can not get full after my run and later in the day. Does anyone have any suggestions about what to eat before or after that will help with this. I have tried oatmeal, eggs, peanut butter, smoothies so I am looking for more…
I have been thinking about food a lot for the last 2 weeks beyond tracking and planning my day. I have lost 35 pounds so far and am 7 pounds from goal but I can’t seem to stop obsessing about food. I would say I spend 18 hrs a day thinking about food I even dream about on a regular basis for the last 2 weeks. I have been…
I have made the decision to start yoga. I have never done it before and I am looking for suggestions on what type is good for a begginer. My normal weekly workout routine consists of 3-4 runs 3-4 days of 30 shred as well as 2 weight lifting sessions. I typicially try to take one day off a week. My main goal for yoga is to…
I saw a similar post to thing and like the other member the scale is also killing my motivation. please let me know what you think I weight...i am 5"2 Also I have no idea where my head is in the photo the file cut it off so i attached another photo as well :)
see above post :)