Well, the 30 days are up! How did you all do? I was wanting to be 230, but ended up at 235 after losing 3 lbs instead of 8. I am still proud though, because most years I would have gained 3 lbs with all the mindless holiday eating. Thanks for putting this together, it was fun :)
My 10 year old son has been developing quite a few belly rolls over the past few months. I have been trying to work on making fitness and healthful eating a larger part of my entire family's life, but it doesn't seem to be kicking in for my son. Backstory: I was always a chubby kid with a stick thin older sister. I have a…
I have my router up and about at last which makes posting on my ipad so much funner. Or it would be, that is, if I had some friends to encourage me! :) I am 2 months into my weight-loss journey. I have lost 8 lbs and 2 inches from my chest (figures). Hoping the weight will start to fall off in more desirable places, like…
Here is my silly question of the day. Lets see if anyone else has noticed this trend. Why is is that the majority of "womens" clothes seem to have A. Large print, be it floral or geometrical B. Sagging crotches C. Some kind of Disney cartoon character plastered across the front D. Low cut, clevage enhancing E. Just plain…