cbellanger Member


  • Oh yeah, you can TOTALLY see your progress!! Great job! Slow and steady may not be as fun, but the benefits last longer :)
  • Picture is a bit large, but I can see the update as your posting pic. I can see a change for sure! Keep up the good work :D
  • There have been so many parties, and junk in the house. People feel inclined to love me b giving me food ha ha! I am trying to stay on track the best I can but failing miserably. I have been doing my 30 day shred, but no exercise on m off days like I had been. I am still trying, but this may just be a maintenance month for…
  • I am on day 17 and I am nothing but pleased. I do have to admit that I have not gone down any pant sizes, but I am down from a 3x to a 1x in tops. Of course, I always lose weight in my upper body first, including my boobs :P. I have all my measurements down on My profile page from the past few weeks. I do also have to say…
  • When we add the number in the change column, are we supposed to include last weeks loss as wee, or only this weeks loss? I am seeing both. I think I will make it the total change and add both together. BTW, nice job lauren on your loss! You didn't let last week get you down. :D
  • I took Phenteramine about 2-3 years ago. It was perscribed for the same reason. I lost around 15-20 lbs using it, but because I did not change my habits, I gained it all back when I stopped using it. I will tell you that it is going to give you the shakes and make your heart feel ab it jumpy for a few days until your body…
  • I agree Lauren, I wasn't on the ball last week posting or checking in. Things are going well here. I have been trying to make sure that my calories are under and I have been drinking a LOT more water. I think that the two of those are what helped me lose the 2 lbs. I know that water definately helped with the not eating as…
  • I am staying steady. I have to admit that cheese has been my downfall this week. I have been over every single day this week. So, my new mini-goal is to lay off the cheese! Exercise has been good though. Had to take a few days off for my tendonitis of the knee, but I am back to business. Monday will be my half-way point in…
  • Good luck, you can do it!!!
  • Here are my revised/more specific goals: 1-Finish the 30DS, continuing with 2 days on, one day cardio, 2 days one, one day cardio then rest and repeat. That is how Jillian says to do it and it is the only way my knee is hoing to survive! To all you just starting, stick with it!!! You will think you are going to die, but…
  • I am in! I am starting phase 2 of 30DS tomorrow. I will be done just a few days after Christmas, so my goal for this next 30 days is to Wow my sister-in-law when she comes up for Christmas. I was her to see a noticeable difference from the last time she saw me just last month. Folks who are around all the time (including…
  • My mini goal is to stick with my 30 day shred until it is finished in late December. Today is day 4! Doing 2 days on, 1 day cardio, 2 days on, 1 day cardio and then a rest day. Then repeat. First 2 days were insanely hard, but I have stuck with it so far and I am really determined to see this through for my health and my…
  • I am starting tomorrow morning bright and early, I hope! I am posting this so that I can be accountable to actually start this (which I have been saying for 5 days I am going to start "Tomorrow". Now I have to do it! I really am looking forward to seeing what this will do for me. I still have about 65lbs to go till my…
  • The first place I lose weight is in my chest and bust. So unfair, ha ha! I am going to go bra shopping soon, becaues my cups seem to be half full...;)
  • That is fantastic!! That is my main goal at this moment, to lose 43 more pounds and get to 199! You should throw yourself a party, I know I am going to!
  • I love this! I totally agree taht you can eat enormous amounts of food and still lose weight and be healthy. Just takes some planning and some thought. BTW, you are making me super hungry, lol!
  • Thank you for this post. What you have said goes along with what I have read recently by Susan Powter. Remember her from her Stop the Insanity fame? You have done just that, stopoed the insanity! You ate, because food is fuel. It makes me so sad when I see folks trying to lose weight by not eating. I used to be one of…
  • We made the choice about 2-3 years ago to switch from using ground turkey instead of ground beef. It takes some getting used to initially, same wit any major change, but we would never go back. I use it in place of ground beef in any situation. Meatloaf, burgers, tacos, spaghetti, sloppy joes, even the occasional…
  • Hi! I am 5'9" and 242 lbs. My end goal is to be around 150-160. I haven't been that weight since jr. High, so I am not sure how that will look on me. I would love to be friends, been here over a month and I am just now getting to the forums. Hoping to find some inspiration to keep going :) I have lost 8 lbs so far and…
  • As someone who is 5'9", I am geeked to see how well you have done! Your stats are very similar to my own and I can't wait to get to my end result! Congratulations!