I know that it's different for everyone but I'm just wondering what other people find a comfortable heart rate. I'm most comfortable at in the 170 and 180 range. 190 and up is too high and makes me uncomfortable. Any lower than 170 and I feel like I'm not challenging myself. So what's your highest comfort level and what's…
I want it and I have enough calories for it but I feel guilty, like I should have a salad instead.
I LOVE fast food, despite it's harmful qualities. I recently began eating all natural. No preservatives, no processed foods, all ingredients are readable... that sort of thing. It's been good too. I feel good about what I'm eating. I eat within my calorie range and I'm able to eat a lot. But I have cravings. That new Taco…
And I finally decided to come to the website. I'm surprised to find that this is an actual community! I'm excited. This will definitely be one of my most visited websites. It's nice to meet you all!