Old Friends
Just wondering if anyone knows what's happened to robert65fergus. He was quite an active member of this group giving good advice to many newbies. I especially appreciated his encouraging posts and advice.
MENA members
Just curious. How many of us on MFP are from or living in the Middle East or North Africa. I've found a number of foods entered in the data base of Middle East origin, including companies in Jordan. I'm in Jordan, hence my profile name, the national flower of Jordan.
Types of Fiber?
I notice on product nutritional tables that carbohydrates are split into Dietary Fiber, Soluble Fiber and Sugar. OK Sugar is straight forward, but how do the two forms of fiber differ and how do you account for them in your Net Carbs and Fiber intake? AH! Sorry- just did another search and found all info already on the…
Marinated Chicken Kebabs with Whole Spices
Fancy something with a 'zest'? Try this from a well known British cook. It's fantastic and really tasty www.deliaonline.com/recipes/cuisine/asian/indian/marinated-chicken-kebabs-with-whole-spices.html Lip smackin' :smile:
Fat Replacements
Hi Has anyone heard of or used any of these- Oatrim, Beta-trim or Ztrim? They are replacements for fat in food and are made from oats or corn. I've been on the Ztrim.com site but they only seem to deal with food companies etc. Anyone know anything... are they good, bad or what????
Is your thyroid making you fat??
A link to an article on a site about thyroid problems. Probably all our thyroid friends on MFP may know it, but may find the following interesting. http://thyroid.about.com/od/loseweightsuccessfully/ss/dietsecrets.htm The longer it takes you to get diagnosed with hypothyroidism, the more weight you may end up gaining.…
Resistance bands
What is the best way to record exercise using resistance bands? I use them instead of weights for convience, but what is their weight equivalent?:huh: Also can some one explain to this thick-head what is meant by sets and repeats.:embarassed: :bigsmile:
How true
Came across this, hope you like it.
Yes. Soya or no soya, yet again!
For those of us interested in the Soya or no Soya see this link. Those on thyroid medication may especially find it of interest. http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/nutrition_articles.asp?id=732 It ends in that magic word again, Moderation. What does that mean, at your own risk??
% values per 2000 cal diet, for foods inputted
Hi, can anyone help. I want to keep track of calcium intake. The new foods input has the values as % per 2000 cal diet, but many of the foods I want to enter have the Vit's Calcium and iron as weight per serving or per 100gm of the food. :grumble: Does anyone have the values for converting these? :bigsmile: HELP!
Best Time to Satisfy a Craving
Found this in Realage.com By Doc Oz Posted in: YOU Docs Daily Best Time to Satisfy a Craving February 25, 2009 4:46 PM by Mehmet Oz, MD and Michael Roizen, MD | 0 comments Hear that cookie calling your name, just begging to be eaten? If you're going to cave in to its siren call, do it early. The later in the day you…
Food and ingredient measurements on MFP data base.
AHH! Just noticed that the new tin of Nestle Nesvita Pro-bones milk I've been using the last week is LOW FAT not FAT FREE. That means I have to change all this weeks food diary. How many more calories will that be? :explode: Getting to the reason of my post - Foods listed have various measurements. My concern is to the…