Where you able to maintain your weight loss long term?
What did you guys do to keep going day after day? I seem to loose and gain the same 5 pds! HELP!
I have read lots of posts saying that to break a plateau one have to up their daily calories (especially if they eat 1200 cal or less). If so, why do people with sleeves or lapbands lose so much weight at 600-1000? I am totally confused! Can you help me understand? Thanks!
To You my heroes who lost 100 + lbs on Atkins/ low carb diet : I would love to see some before and after pictures for encouragement! Need to see that it can be done! Thx!
For those who lost more than 100 lbs, what is your secret? What knew WOE (way of eating) did you use? Thx for your insights !
Hi, I am a 5'2'' woman and need to loose more than 100Lbs by next summer. I needs to see that it is possible. Any before/After pics of 5'2''-5'3'' women who lost more than 100 lbs? Please! I need some encouragement here! Thanks!