Ticker help
I don't know where to post this but my ticker information is incorrect and I don't know how to fix it. For some reason myfitnesspal thinks I lost 6 pounds so far when I've actually lost 49 pounds. Anyone know how to fix this?
It's not a DIET, it's a LIFESTYLE CHANGE!
The title says it all. This is what is working for me. In the past, when trying to lose weight I have always gained it back. Why? Be because whatever I was doing to lose weight was not a sustainable way of living. Besides that, if I gave in one day and ate way more than I had planned, I would get mad and sometimes give up.…
Squat 30 Day Challenge
I thought I would share this with everyone since I've almost completed the challenge and can say with confidence that it works! When you start, you're going to think "there is no way that I can do this." But you can! Today I am up to 220 squats at one time and it's really not even that hard. It works your muscles so well!…