Yell at them. Tell management. Don't care... None of the above
Finance interview, large office.
Appreciate all the help and well wishes.
Want to take a nap
Just doing this to lass the time before my interview (woke up too early)
Well wishes! Thanks!
This was my 2nd interview with this company I did not wear perfume, met with 3 people...the last was a guy clearly wearing cologne Anyhow, I now have a 3rd interview next week.
three interviews?
Again for the help
I have a 2nd interview coming up.
Second interview, same place. Good sign
Bad breath or Body Odor?
Pantyhose and I think it went well. Thank you for your help.
Or a skirt/dress??
Large office. Seems fairly conservative.
Today it is Secret Clinical Waterproof vs. Ban Fresh Monday will be Degree Clinical vs Mithum Advanced Winner face off Tueaday.
Antiperspirant too? Thanks
Working out more I notice I'm sweating more, even during the day. Thanks so much, smelling at work or the gym is not cool.