On Monday I worked out with a personal trainer for 90 Minutes he focused on Arms and Core. Yesterday and this morning my arms are extremely sore it even hurts to straighten my left arm. So my question is, is it best to go and work out to loosen the muscles or to take another day off? Pleasehelp!
I have been working out and eating better for 5 weeks now this is my 6th week. And i have been eating usually 1200 calories/day and 4 times a week i burn about 600-800 calories working out. I am doing a mix of cardio and weights. This past week i have been at a stand still and someone mentioned i am not eating enough.…
Hello Everyone, I am 25 years old and weight 315 pounds which i am so embarrased to even type. I love food what can i say. I also like to see results over night and get very discouraged. I have a loving boyfriend who says i am beautiful just that way i am but i sure dont feel that way. I just started this journey yet again…