not sure? need to know.
ok after dinner tonight I think I had a dumping or just to full. But not sure. I got so sick to my stomach and thought I was going to throw up. Very hot and felt like go to sleep. what is your thoughts?
surgery coming up fast.
I have two more days before my surgery. boy it is coming fast. this pre-op liquid diet is hard with kids and husband. I am excited and worried all at once. I just hope this is worth it. I know the band wasn't much help at all.
sick and tired
I am so sick and tired of needing to run for the bathroom or trash can after I eat something. This lapband has to go....and the sleeve put in. Has anyone else feel or had felt like this before? What can I do?
approved and scared
I am approved and got my surgery date of April 9th. Now the time is so close I am getting scared. I am second guessing myself was this the right thing to do? Part of me is yes you know it is but the other is saying you are going to fail at this too. Please help. Am I making the right choice.
protein drink
OMG! I just find a protein drink that taste great and zero carbs and 50 grams of protein. One drink and got my protein in for the day. It is called Isopure Zero. Has anyone else had this before. It comes in different flavors too. love to know.
on my way
Well I seen my doctor yesterday and he said it is time to remove the band. So now I have started the process to have my band removed and the sleeve in its place. Looking at maybe in three months from now instead of the normal 6 months waiting period. I have been doing follow ups so my waiting period is over. Yeppy. I am…
considering VSG
Hello, I am considering having the sleeve done. I was banded on 1/8/09 and after four years now, regaining weight back that I have lost, reflux, and now having issues with eating. I am at a cross roads. Can anyone give me some help? I have a doctor appointment with Dr. Sharp in Raleigh to discuss this but I like to hear…
considering VSG from lapband
Hello, I am considering having the sleeve done. I was banded on 1/8/09 and after four years now, regaining weight back that I have lost, reflux, and now having issues with eating. I am at a cross roads. Can anyone give me some help? I have a doctor appointment with Dr. Sharp in Raleigh to discuss this but I like to hear…