lamb chops
hello, i started having custom made meals at work for lunch and today i had yummy healthy stuffed chicken and for tomorrow the chef suggested to make me lamb chops! a few of my friends were like "no its full of fat" " u shouldnt really be having it" is it really that fatty? or i can still have it grilled. Arwa Barwani
strength training
hello everyone, info about me: height: 160 c weight: 78.4 KG age: 23 small goal weight: 70 KG so basically im on a 1500-1600 calories intake and try to go to the gym 3-5 x a week i mostly do cardio because my Body fat % is pretty high. as for strength training, i do small sets on those weights machines nothing big. do i…
strength training Newbie
hello all, so ive recently came to know that lifting weights is important in every weight loss. so i started (once) already and is planning to go 3 times a week. to me, strength training is using the weights machine at the gym. would that consider as strength training? because i read in one of the websites that there is…
BMR calculator
Hello Everyone. So I went to the gym for a full body test to check my body fat and muscle mass etc. they also told me that my BMR was 1247 kcal, which i thougt was unreasonably low. so i read online that if you want an accurate num of BMR then i should wear my Polar burned calorie counter for like 7 days then average them…