Create Your Mantra
I work in a library and on Friday a book about helping girls deal with mean kids and bullies came across my desk. I was flipping through the book and came across a page about teaching you children to have a mantra to say to themselves when they are dealing with difficult situations. An example they gave was "boss it." I…
What breakfast foods do you eat that hold you over till lunch? I eat breakfast around 6:30 and am hungry by 9:00!
How do you stay motivated?
Hello everyone! I just wanted to know how all of you stay motivated. This is what I am struggling with the most. Especially on the exercise part. I'm lucky enough that I have a new job that comes with a free gym (I work at a university) It literally takes me one minuet to walk there, but yet, it don't. I enjoy walking and…
Pre workout snack
I just joined a gym today so I can increase my exercise. My plan is to work out after I get off work because this works best for my schedule. Usually when I get home from work I am pretty hungry. If I run errands after work and don't eat something, I get shaky. So my question to you is....what should I eat before my…
Help! I love carbs way to much!
I love carbs but I know I should not!:brokenheart: You name it, pasta, chips, bread, potatoes..... My food journal keeps telling me I am going over my carbs even though I stay within my calories and fat! Anyone have any food suggestions for controlling the carb intake?