How do you stay motivated?

Hello everyone! I just wanted to know how all of you stay motivated. This is what I am struggling with the most. Especially on the exercise part. I'm lucky enough that I have a new job that comes with a free gym (I work at a university) It literally takes me one minuet to walk there, but yet, it don't. I enjoy walking and love walking my dog. I take the stairs at work always. I even walk on my lunch break when its not to hot. I'm not lazy, but I can't seem to get myself to the gym to get a proper workout. When I get off work, I just want to go home. I have no motivation to go to gym and can't seem to find any. Any advice?


  • techymum
    techymum Posts: 168
    For some reason, this time I am completely motivated to get healthy. It is a different feeling, and I wish I could bottle it and share it with you!

    Right now my main focus is running - but I started walking mid-May, and have never looked back. What works for me is keeping a spreadsheet of my workout. How long, how many cals burned, distance, etc. I get such a sense of accomplishment looking back and seeing how far I've come.

    This week when I was trying to get over a big hurdle, I actually threw it out on facebook. Told my friends what I was going to try. Then when I was out, I just knew I couldn't go back on facebook to face them if I hadn't accomplished it. THat got me through the event big time!

    Good luck!
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    I watch "fat" shows. Biggest loser.. Heavy... stuff like that. Makes me want to get up and do something. I mean, I know I won't ever get like that, but if I let myself gain 30-40 extra pounds, who knows what else I could gain. Motivation enough for me right now lol

    Oh.. and oddly.. that little bug on my weightloss ticker. I love seein the little guy move..
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    I don't, I "JUST DO IT" dead tired here, didn't eat, just got out of school at 5pm. You think i want to work out right now? Not really, but I will.

    The key is to build a habit, and habits are built off of motivation. Shoot for small goals. When I first started I couldn't even walk 10mins, I told myself "just take a break at 6minutes then do another 4" nothing to hard, just be consistant, if it's 5minutes or 500 minutes, pick a plan and stick with it so it turns in to a habit, once it's a habit you can up the intensity, or duration... Remember it's a marathon not a sprint. Look at things in the long term perspective, i picture myself in 30yrs, looking 30yrs old, lean, with a lot of endurance and a ton of health.... How do i get there??? I think of "what habits have i developed to get there." Then I work on those habits. I may not have the habits down in a month, or maybe even 3 months, doesn't matter, what matters is you keep on doing it, and eventually it will turn in to a habit, I have 30yrs to develop my habits, what's the rush?
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I have the most amazingly supportive friends on here. :) I could never let them down!
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    My brother's quintuple by-pass a year ago and subsequent 5th heart attack this summer was my motivation...He is 50 years old, and one year older than I....Can't get much more motivated then that.... :sick:
  • angkev2560
    For me, exercise was difficult at first. I started really working out 6 years ago and managed to keep at it all through college etc. I had to force myself at first, but eventually it became part of my drinking coffee for some (and also for me). If I don't work out....I literally feel like crap.
    It takes some getting used to, to make it a habit...but once you're there, you become addicted to the high of working out. It literally is an addiction....but a good one. Don't think about how tired you will feel, or that its taking time out of your day...think of it as something you are doing for your body that is nothing but good and healthy. Think about the high you'll get after your workout! It really is a great feeling. Hope that helped! :) good luck on your journey!
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Is there any exercise you can do at home that would motivate you better than a gym? I noticed that the gym just isn't for me. But working out at home (with my husband!) is the best!
  • ineednapkin
    What helps for me is getting a workout buddy, and also if you are into running, signing up for a race.

    I know that without my running buddy I would not be running this marathon next month. That is what motivates me.
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    I look in the mirror.

    Take pictures of myself and really look them over & realize I HATE what I see.

    I picture myself 200 lbs heavier and realized that if I don't change my lifestyle that's where I'll end up.

    I think about the euphoric feeling I will get after I am done working out.

    I think about the results and how great it will be to be 40 lbs lighter :)

    I think of working out as ME time since I am a stay at home mom. It's my way to drift into my own world.

    I flat out LOVE Exercising and I LOVE being able to run farther than the day before w/o stopping. Or add a little more weights than the week before. The feeling of accomplishment makes me feel great.

    When I get to my goal weight I plan on taking SEXY pictures to show off to the world. Just because I CAN :laugh:

    It all boils down to RESULTS & SELF CONFIDENCE .... for me anyway :heart:
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    I agree with everyone on here.... but the biggest thing for me. I just DO IT. Don't think about ~ when the alarm goes off at 5am....just get up....get dressed and before I know I'm out the door. Now some mornings I'm annoyed that I'm already outside... but then I think OK, I'll just walk a around the block....but that never happens! Just make a plan... and do it!
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    it's hard to stay motivated all of the time, but unless i am sick or have an appointment i can't miss, i make myself get up and exercise, and i never regret it. but i do regret the times i have bagged on exercise when i could have gone. one thing that motivates me almost every day is the thought that if i exercise, i get to eat more. :) i hate restricting my diet, so, eating a little more is a big motivator for me.

    also, perhaps you're not a gym person. i, too, love walking, and get the bulk of my cardio walking outdoors (i live in a mountainous area and go up a lot of steep climbs which keep up my heart rate). if i had to go to a gym every day, i wouldn't be nearly as motivated as dressing for the weather and stepping outside. to round out my fitness, i do jillian michael's 30 day shred, which only takes up 20 minutes of my day. the combined results have been wonderful for me!
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    I agree, once you get into a routine you are so much more motivated! I find if I force myself to go for a run or go to the gym two or three days in a row, it feels weird to NOT go on the fourth day, and then on the fifth I'm even a little excited for it. (Well, excited for the feeling afterwards, definitely not excited for the actual workout haha).
  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    When you are tired and you just want to go home right after work...don't. And eventhough you don't want to go workout at the "gym." Talk yourself through it, pump yourself up. What's 15 mins? If I get off work during rush hour, I would waste 15 mins in traffic. Then imagine the goal that you set for yourself. Play some music to get your blood flowing and before you know it you will be motivated! The only person holding you back from anything is yourself. You just have to believe in yourself and you WILL DO IT! And tell yourself that you will do it and believe it! Honestly when I wake up I feel like crap and what I tell myself is that I feel like crap because I haven't worked out yet...and it's true. Not even a minute in, I'm pumped and enjoying my workout. I went from being a person who didn't even think about working out or losing weight because I thought it was too hard, but after watching Chris Powell's amazing work on Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition; I couldn't help but get motivated. Now I'm a person who is working out every morning between 10-20 minutes. And sometimes when I get bored I'll work out too. I mostly walk and run on a treadmill. I'm working on my running because I think everyone has it in them to run. Set your goal for a year away and take it one day at a time...Don't wish a year from now you would have started today.

    I believe in you!

    <3 Chasidy
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I want to look and feel attractive. Not only that, my health is important to me too. My family has a history of health issues and I'd like to avoid those at all costs.
  • Funkysuelee
    counting my calories daily and counting my excercise calories keep me motivated at the moment. i am yet to see results physically but i am loving the way i am feeling. My self confidence is up and totally agree about the 'feeling weird' part about not going to the gym on the 4th or 5th day. I am sure that as long as i continue to chase this good feeling i have i will stick to it and see results.
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    I agree with what everyone has said--right now I am only walking (sometimes a 30 min video too) but I do it every day. It has become a routine. I enjoy it and I find it helps me deal with stress.
  • MJStory
    MJStory Posts: 42
    I was really active when I was young and loved going to the gym. I've always been the "highly active" type, that is, until I started injuring body parts as I got older. A few years ago, I needed 2 surgeries on my Lt shoulder & my Lt elbow that put me into permanent disability status; I was forced into joblessness (my worst nightmare that really wasn't a dream) as an RN. I couldn't get a job, as no one wants a nurse that can't lift. I slowly got up to weight in the low 200's, then started having arthritis symptoms in my Lt leg & right arm, plus both of my hips. It's been a financial battle & a nightmare at the same time.

    With careful dieting, I started slowly losing some of the weight. I know that I needed to get out of my house to keep my sanity, so I became active in my church. You need to find things that keep you active and focused, as well! This was very therapeutic for me, & was motivated to set an example for others in my church that were overweight.

    To be useful in the community, I started a free "nursing clinic" for people that came to the church's free meal every month, and realized that most of these people didn't have money to see an MD every time they didn't feel well. At this point, I became aware that I was probably clinically depressed and had been for years; so I went to my doctor for medication to help. Then I started feeling better about myself and more able to better serve my clinic patients, I've taken off more weight & have been able to start exercising a little more at a time. I've been teaching church members how to lose the belly fat, and have gotten good reports on inches lost.

    One of the secrets to losing weight or inches is being active & doing exercises when you're not doing anything else. i.e.: walking in place when washing hands or dishes, during commercials if you're watching TV. You can make a quick walk to the end of your driveway & back. Be ACTIVITY CREATIVE with your down time! If you have children, you can get them involved with your "downtime activities" and interact with your family - make it fun; let the kids make up exercises, as well! Going to a gym is time consuming and can show slow gains in losing weight &/or inches; you need to track your progress, including inches, on MFP.

    Get a friend involved if you live away from your immediate family. A little competitiveness never hurt anyone! I hope this helps!
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    I have the most amazingly supportive friends on here. :) I could never let them down!

    What this lady said also. I know I talk big, and a lot of people are watching me, I'd look stupid if I don't succeed, can't let down my MFP friend's,
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Just because you have a gym available doesn't mean you have to use it. Sometimes gyms are overwhelming.

    I try to keep my workouts as simple as possible. I just go out in my driveway with a jump rope and do that until I'm tired. I also have some strength training workouts picked out from a book, and I use a pair of dumbbells for that.

    By keeping my workouts simple, and knowing that no one is watching except myself, I feel a little freer to struggle and push harder.
  • denisebee
    denisebee Posts: 137 Member
    FInd something you love to do. Try something different. It sounds like you perfer to be outside. Maybe you could buy a used bike and bike to work or try and squeeze in time for a workout after work... like tennis or hiking. Personally, I love exercise classes like Spin and Power, have you tried any classes? Find a friend with like minded goals. Try new low calorie recipes, get a subscription it a fitness magazine. I know it's hard. If it was easy we'd all be in shape and at the perfect weight. BUT remember the payoff is worth it. Good luck.