I'm sure there is a place on here about Fitbit's BUT I'm not to computer savey!!! Do you log your excerise on MFP or on your Fitbit page? I know I sync it BUT doesn't the Fitbit log it? If I do it on MFP and then sync it won't it look like double on Fitbit? I'm sooooo confused. Thanks!
Planning a trip to NYC in April. Can anyone recommend a place to stay? Nice. Thanks. d
Why am I so hard on myself? I'm working the program. Working out 6 x week up to 2 hours. Eating as good as I can and I still fill like I'm on a time limit. Am I getting burned out? I've gone from a size 16 to 8 still feel BIG. I'm so afraid of gaining back. Is anyone else going thru these thoughts? We are all our own worst…
Does anyone else have this problem.... I work out 6 days a week so I always have enough to eat but on Sundays I give it all a rest. I do my few house chores but nothing else. I have to stay within my 1210 calories and man it's tuff. I don't know if it's all in my head or what but my tummy is hungry and I get kinda grouchie!
Ok I'm on day 3 of the DVD and I still can't go thur it without stoppiing. The jumpin jacks and butt kicks KILL my knees does anyone else have this problem? I really like everything else but as I sit here my knees and shines (or how ever you spell it) are killing me. GRRRRRR
Seems everyone is saying MFP kinda gives you more calorie burned in what you do. Maybe I should get my own. What is the best to get? Thanks
When I get up I have my Juice and love a cup of coffee however, if I get on my statiionary bike I get wonkie. But then I hurry thu everything just to eat. So now Juice, Coffee, Wii , eat and then upstairs for bike and weights. Is this good? Should I change up something. Thanks!:bigsmile: