I have REALLY bad shin splints and it's time for new shoes. Does anyone have any input on good shoes? I'm thinking of Nike or Brooks running shoes?
So I decided to set a goal for myself. WHEN I reach my goal I am going to take my husband and I on a trip to Los Angeles. We've been once but want to go back and spend some time there to see the sights. Any suggestions of an area that I should look for a hotel? Something reasonable yet close to things so we don't get…
Thyroid problems run in my family and to my doctors humor, I go in every year to get mine tested to see if that's why I have a weight problem. Well just got another negative result back, which to most would be a positive. But I think I have a serious problem with my metabolism for how much I work out and still don't lose…
Most of you have heard of P.F. Chang right? ok...and if you have you've more than likely had their lettuce wraps??!! Well I found the recipe and let me tell you ladies, even my "steak and potatoes" PICKY husband really liked it and he didn't even snack after because there is SO much flavor! Here's the recipe and directions…
:explode: Everyday I feel like I am a ticking time bomb waiting to explode and I'm going to go into the kitchen and just start to pig out! I'm new to myfitnesspal.com, but I love the fact that it doesn't give you daily meals to eat. I have a hard time sticking to those sites because though I love the suggestions, the…