So who wants to geek out with some Doctor Who chat? :D Did you cry when Amy and Rory left like I did? Do you already hate the new companion but know you will grow to love her? Favorite Doctor? Favorite companion? I'm still in love with Rose and Ten personally. <3 Oh and let's keep spoilers out or please link to an article…
Hey fellow nerds and geeks! I realized we don't have an intro thread, so I'm here to start one! I thought it'd be nice if we could just have a place to post who we are and whatnot. Feel free to share your nerdy interests and any info you want about yourself. C: As for me- Hello! My name is Samantha and I've been a nerd…
Hey everyone. I just thought I would ask around and see if anyone has any opinions on dating someone that has a child? I met this really awesome lady, and she has a one year old. I've never dated anyone with a kid before.. And to be blunt - I am not really a kid person. I don't want any and I don't go all gaga about them.…
Hey everybody, I was just wondering - when you work out and "gain" more carbs, do you eat them? Or are you very strict with your x grams of carbs? Any reasoning? Thanks for any input!
Hey everybody! I wanted to try and incorporate some strength training into my daily routine. As of this point, I have what I would call very little or no upper body strength. At work (where I am 50 hours a week...) there is a pair of 5 pound weights that hang out in the women's bathroom. I was wondering if anyone could…