Anyone out there riding while using their Fitbit? Had it on today (brand new) while riding , got unrealistic high numbers. Probably will not wear anymore when riding. I give lessons and walk continually during THOSE numbers I will take!
Since my menopausal weight gain of the last 10 years, I have found it has greatly greatly affected my riding. Sitting an extended trot and feeling like a big sack of potatoes was my breaking point last year and I vowed to not allow myself a recognized dressage show this year unless i took off, for starters...20 lbs. Showed…
I just yesterday, reached my first goal of losing 20 lbs. As happy as i was, it brought with it an incredible fear of putting a single ounce back on. I ate only 200 calories by dinner time. Yes I know, that is not the correct way to do this. I went on and had a very light and healthy dinner. Problem is I now feel more fear…