Hey there! I hope all is well. Yesterday I had a tonsillectomy, weird for a 22 year old, I know. I must say, I am in a lot of pain and my doctor only gave me Tylenol. I'm no druggy, but other adults that I know that have received this surgery were on Vicodin or something a bit stronger than Tylenol. :| As you can imagine,…
Hey everyone! So I know I've said somewhere on this site that my love handles are my most stubborn fat spot. I know you cannot only lose weight on one part of your body but I know sit ups target the abs, pushups target the abs and arms, etc, etc. I've never been able to find a work out to target the love handles.Yes I've…
So me and my husband have been struggling with weight problems for a very long time. I can never seem to get more than 30 pounds off while he can never seem to get 5 pounds on! my husband weighs 125 on the dot! (i never remember weighing this) while i way 161 on a good day! And to make things clear, I am 5' about 5'1"…
Hey everyone, So far I have been strictly sticking to my diet for a little more than a month although some days I do go a little over. I'm getting better though! :D So here goes nothing....well a little something, first picture (Before) (July 22, 2011) second picture (After September 8, 2011) Before (176 lbs) excuse the…