I'm a 5'3" 18 y/o female who has recently recovered from atypical anorexia and now I'm at a very near risk of becoming overweight at 130 pounds. I would like to be nearer to the low to mid 120's but every website I've visited and every person I've talked to tells me that in order to do this I have to eat 1,200 cals a day,…
I feel like I'm healthy - but I really some advice on how to build abs, as I'm having some difficulty. Here's some background information- I'm 5'3" and I weigh 115 pounds. I am moderately active; I practice yoga and pilates approximately four to five days of the week and I run at least two days of the week. I eat a…
I know it sounds crazy, but I'm having a problem with knee fat of all things. I weigh about 109 pounds, and I STILL have it. Most places tell you to do things like squats and wall sits to fix the problems, but in fact, I already have very toned quads. My problem exists below the quads and just above the knee. Any thoughts?