Need a few brutally honest friends
I've been on here a few months, and I have some wonderful, supportive friends here. However, I have found that a lot of people here worry about hurting one's feelings, or crossing the line. I could really use a couple of friends that will be supportive, but also call me out on days that I make terrible choices. I know I'm…
Today's NSV
Today, I can officially fit (comfortably) into every pair of jeans in my closet (even the "skinny" ones)! :happy: I will have to get rid of several of them, as they are way too big! Woo-Hoo! What's your little victory for today?
How's everyone doing?
I haven't seen any updates.....did anyone make it to 15? I didn't make 15, but I think I did o.k.... Start: 163.6 First Update: 162.5 Second Update: 161.0 Last: 155.6 Today: 152.3 Lost 11.3 total. :smile: Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!
I know I'm not starving, but.......
I am so hungry today! I've eaten almost 1000 calories (89g of protein) so far and I'm still hungry! I've been drinking water like crazy today too. Dinner isn't for 3 or 4 more hours. Suggestions anyone, please?
A much needed boost
Just when I was feeling defeated and that my progress isn't what it should be, a friend sent me this e-mail. Yay for fabulous, supportive friends!! : Work for it +++++++++++++++++++ The difference between what you want, and what you have, is what you do. The bridge that spans from desire to fulfillment is action. Every…
Calorie Dilema
Hi - I'm new to MFP. I found it by accident when I was looking for a calorie count on something. I'm glad I found it. It seems great so far. There are so many people who are so inspiring! :smile: Here's my issue: I started TapouT XT about 12 days ago (which is a great workout program). They have a 10-day Slim Down guide…