Well I am the proud new owner of a new Polar Ft4 HRM. I have I inputted my details and it has calculated my ideal zone. I wore it whilst doing my step dvd this morning and during the intense part of the workout, my heart rate exceeded the upper limit and kept beeping saying I am "NOT in zone" So I slowed down my heart rate…
Hi I have tried every single diet plan under the sun but now I know the best way to see the scale move for me and beat the insatiable cravings is to track what I am eating but also pay attention to my body when I eat certain foods. I have now realised that my body HATES it when I eat carb heavy foods such as bread and…
Hi Been reading about this having found a brilliant website which, when you input your stats, activity level etc, it calculates the amount of calories to consume each day based on a zig zag effect. This apparently keeps your body guessing as it doesn't get used to you eating the same amount if calories each day and…
I have tried every diet under the sun to get rid of the stone I put on from quitting smoking four years ago. I quit a 20 a day habit which span over 20 years but I found that i replaced the nicotine for food.. Chocolate, lattes, muffins.. You could say I found a very sweet tooth! I have literally tried every diet under the…