Calorie Zig Zagging


Been reading about this having found a brilliant website which, when you input your stats, activity level etc, it calculates the amount of calories to consume each day based on a zig zag effect. This apparently keeps your body guessing as it doesn't get used to you eating the same amount if calories each day and therefore, whilst creating a healthy deficit, it avoids the dreaded plateau.

I am thinking of giving this a go. Has anyone had any success in doing this?


  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Intermittent fasting is a sort of zig zag.

    Eating more on weight lifting days is a sort of zig zag.

    Otherwise I'm not sure.
  • tihi18
    tihi18 Posts: 102 Member
    I have. I've noticed I lose a little more on the weeks I zig zag. Also if you think about it as long as you reach caloric goals for the week zig zagging really allows you to eat more on days when you have a plans or you dine out. I generally worry more about going over weekly goals rather than daily goals.
  • phorxy
    phorxy Posts: 6 Member
    Would you mind posting said website? It'd be interesting to have a look.
  • pommychic
    pommychic Posts: 25 Member
    Would you mind posting said website? It'd be interesting to have a look.

    I wasn't sure if it was allowed or not....but it is Then all the calculators are on the left. Let me know what you think.
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    bump to check the website later
  • msliz74
    msliz74 Posts: 4 Member
    I have lost 26 lbs (137 to 111) using the zig zag feature on free dieting plus working out the number of days I select. i have a 'weigh in' on mondays and calculate my calories for the week. I zig zag and save the higher days for the days I have plans to eat out. I also 'bank' any leftover calories each day to add to my high days in case I need them. I have no idea how to enter zig zag on MFP now because it only allows us to enter a daily goal and if you change if for one day it changes everyday that week. bummer.

    I will add - on Mondays, after I've been a lil bad all weekend, my weight is a little high, but by Friday it is lower than the previous Friday, once I get rid of all the sodium and :( alcohol bloat. :) Stick to the calorie counts and it will work.
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    If the goal is fat loss, the consistent calorie deficit is what will matter (not meal timing, zigging, or zagging). However, I do agree that eating in a way that supports your workout and helps you adhere to your calorie limits is the way to go. So if zig zag, cycling, IF, fasting, whatever works for you...go for it. But none of these methods, in and of themself, are a magic bullet.