Do macros really count if in a caloric deficit?
Hello all, I'm curious to see what people's thoughts are regarding weight loss...are macros really important or are calories the determining factor for losing weight? Health aside, I'm just talking about general weight loss. If someone is in a calorie deficit, say 500 below maintenance...do macros matter? I appreciate your…
Paleo Macros
Could anyone be so kind as to share their macro nutrient ratios for the Paleo? Im thinking 65/25/10 (F/P/C). Thank you!
Keto Diet vs. CKD Questions
Hello everyone! Si I started the Keto Diet on Jan 1st and its going very well for the past few days. But now Im reading about the CKD which is practically the same, but you get a cheat day out of it. Ive read every forum there is on google, so Im looking to see if anyone is on the Keto or CKD and how I should approach a…
Early Morning Workouts
Good morning everyone! My week 2 for P90X3 - awesome stuff. Does anyone here workout in the early morning....if so, I have a few questions.... How much sleep do you get? What time do you get up, and what time to you start working out? Do you eat before or after the workout? Ive heard its best to eat 30-60 minutes upon…
Friend me for mutual support!
Hi everyone....I'm really getting excited about this new lifestyle....making time for P90X and watching my nutrition closely. Friend me so we can help each other and stay motivated! Thanks \m/
Day 1 Total Synergisitcs
Awesome - quick workout! Maintained intensity the whole time...besides from getting pulled away to feed baby, get milks, turn on movie...either way - DONE!
New to P90X3
Starting P90X3 tonight. Stoked! Im trying to lose 30lbs or so by Summer...(and for good) and have my macros set as 65f/25p/10c @ 2000cals - Paleo/keto style nutrition. Right now Im 240, bulky and need to slim down! Any suggestions - hows the macro look? Thanks.
Hello everyone - I'm starting P90X3 today and I'd like to discuss some success stories. Also, feel free to add in the struggles with work, family, time management, etc. Ive completed the first two...which are great. I seem to fall off the wagon after month two because I'm seeing the gains and losses I need to see. Diet was…
Anyone take a break from Keto each week?
Hello everyone, Does eveyryone stick to the keto diet all week, or do some of you throw in a cheat meal or "free day" on the weekends? Whats the worst case scenario for throwing in some goodies now and then? Thanks! Oh - and currently Im working with 70% fats, 25% protein and 5% carbs at 1800 cals. Has not been too…
Caloric Deficit and/or Ketosis....does it matter?
Hello again! I touched on this topic in my last post and I'm looking for some clarity. Ketosis turns your body into a fat burning machine. Now, if Im in a caloric deficit, and still low carb and not in Ketosis (Example...Paleo, healthy carb eating, etc ) wouldn't I be receiving the same benefits as Ketosis Thank you :o )