i've been stuck at 85lbs for a while now - i've attempted 90 lbs but it was tough and i couldn't complete 5x5 ...how do you get pass a major stall ? should i just go up and do what i can in 5 sets and not worry about not being able to 5 reps ?????
i just completed a 12 week program (progressive lifting 5 days per week - diff body part each day) - decided to give stroglifts a try - hey why not , i got nothing but time and weight to lose ! did my first work out this morning and it went very well .... my ONLY concern are my arms - specifically my triceps - i have "bat…
i'm not even that much of a "runner " - i do HIIT on the treadmill and go out and jog occasionally ...this morning one of my toe nails popped off !! it didn't bleed and it didn't hurt BUT it looks so weird !! is this normal ? will it grow back - actually it looks like a new piece of nail is already trying to come in but…
i'm so sad because my gym buddy is moving out of town !! I started this journey on my own but it was sooo nice to find out that my friend's work out schedule was the same as mine - we've been going strong for a few months now ....she challenges me and introduces new things all the time ....i'm going to really have to get…