Daughter's choice for her bday on Monday. Haven't been there since before I started tracking every bite that goes into my mouth. What would you get to eat at Red Robin?
See the subject line. :) Do you save recipes that are posted in the various threads? How are you saving them? I'm trying to figure out the best way to be organized with some of the yummy and healthy ideas I see posted here. Thanks!
What's your favorite recipe to spread on an apple slice? Or to dip the slices into? Moderately healthy of course. :)
to several Jillian Michael's videos, and other vids on youtube that were actually posted in a blog. I replied to the blog post, but I should've bookmarked it. Help? Pretty please?
22! That's my magic number. The scale at the house weighs me +/- 20 pounds, and after having a physical today there's no more guestimating. I've lost 22 pounds since I was last at the doctor's office during the summer. She was mighty impressed and I told her I've done it via this site. I really don't intend to lose any…