200 Sit-ups Program
Hi Guys, Tomorrow I'll be starting the 200 Sit-ups Program! This is a 6-week challenge which is aimed at training the body to be able to do 200 push-ups in a row. The program can be found at http://twohundredsitups.com. My initial sit-up count was 25. If you want to join me in doing this challenge feel free to follow along…
100 Push-ups Program
Hi Guys, Tomorrow I'll be starting the 100 Push-ups Program! This is a 6-week challenge which is aimed at training the body to be able to do 100 push-ups in a row. The program can be found at http://hundredpushups.com. My initial push-up count was 31. If you want to join me in doing this challenge feel free to follow along…
8 Week Half-Marathon Training Program
Hi Guys, Tomorrow I'll be starting the 8 Week Half-Marathon Training Program in order to prepare for the Medibank Melbourne Marathon on Sunday 15th October 2017, in which I want to run a Half Marathon! In my entire life, I've never run a longer distance than 10km, which I did last year in just under an hour. This year I…
200 Squats Program
Hi Guys, Tomorrow I'll be starting the 200 Squats Program! This is a 6-week challenge which is aimed at training the body to be able to do 200 Squats in a row. The program can be found at http://www.twohundredsquats.com/ My initial Squat count was 30. If you want to join me in doing this challenge feel free to follow along…
P90x - Beginning 12th September
Hi All, I plan to start P90x this coming Monday on the 12th September! Anyone who is keep to join is welcome! Be awesome with a big group of supportive people :)