100 Push-ups Program

airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
edited November 21 in Challenges
Hi Guys,

Tomorrow I'll be starting the 100 Push-ups Program!

This is a 6-week challenge which is aimed at training the body to be able to do 100 push-ups in a row.
The program can be found at http://hundredpushups.com.

My initial push-up count was 31.

If you want to join me in doing this challenge feel free to follow along :smile:



  • guppi03
    guppi03 Posts: 21 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hey. Can I join? I could really use a motivator to start working out again.

    I just checked and I can currently do 28 push-ups (for my own reference, quickly rather than slow and controlled)
  • airyale15
    airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
    definitely! The program is only 3 days a week, so if you haven't done day 1 just yet feel free to do it tomorrow :)
  • ldwatene
    ldwatene Posts: 150 Member
    edited August 2017
    Yep I'm keen. I'll do my initial test tomorrow I just jumped into bed. Good luck to everyone.
  • airyale15
    airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
    How'd everyone go?
  • tomcat941
    tomcat941 Posts: 47 Member
    I would love to do this. My initial test was 7. I am also doing the 30 day shred alongside this. After a day, my new count is 10 consecutive push-ups. Will probably be starting the other challenges you have posted about also :)
  • airyale15
    airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
    Awesome effort tomcat! Glad to have you onboard. Will be doing my day 2 early tomorrow morning due to basketball tonight! How'd everyone go?

  • Trendline15
    Trendline15 Posts: 48 Member
    I'll do the 100 Pushups Challenge with you. I've been doing 2 x 10 pushups and 2 x 15 situps every night before bed for a month or so.
  • nickgolledge
    nickgolledge Posts: 28 Member
    Am new to MFP I log my exercise and food and look at some discussions of interest on the forum. Will start this on Monday and post progress hope everyone else who commits to it has success. Looks tough mind. I will do my initial attempt tonight I am guessing probably 20-25 will be about my limit. Good luck all!
  • szecsenyi
    szecsenyi Posts: 17 Member
    haha, my initial pushup is about 3. :/
  • reachedmylimit
    reachedmylimit Posts: 172 Member
    Great idea, would love to build strength with push-ups. But I can't see what the actual program is. Do you need to "buy the book" that is mentioned in the link?
  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    I am down with this challenge. My question is are these chest to floor pushups or military standard with arms parallel to the floor? The difference in the range of motion will make huge a difference in reps.
  • reachedmylimit
    reachedmylimit Posts: 172 Member
    edited August 2017
    K I'm in, not sure how I missed the program chart when I first looked at it. Good luck to all
  • nickgolledge
    nickgolledge Posts: 28 Member
    Did my initial assessment yesterday. 25. Week 1 looks really easy but having looked at weeks4-6 I am not complaining.week1 starts tomorrow.
    gearhead I read it as military standard with arms parallel to the floor
  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    Did my initial assessment yesterday. 25. Week 1 looks really easy but having looked at weeks4-6 I am not complaining.week1 starts tomorrow.
    gearhead I read it as military standard with arms parallel to the floor

    Arms parallel it is then. My first time was 35 but I am adding this in addition to my other workout so we will see how my body reacts.

  • airyale15
    airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
    hows everyone going with week 1?
  • nickgolledge
    nickgolledge Posts: 28 Member
    Week 1 day 1 done. Seems really easy at this stage but looking at week 4-6 it gets tougher quickly! Everyone else doing okay?
  • nickgolledge
    nickgolledge Posts: 28 Member
    week 1 day 2 done. Sticking to Monday, Wednesday, Friday which works for me. 100 seems a long way off!!!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,055 Member
    I did this challenge several years ago. I was in good shape when I started and great shape when I finished. All done on my toes. Now at almost 57 and in poor shape am going to start on my knees if I am not to late and see where I go.

  • nickgolledge
    nickgolledge Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Shelley. Did you do the full 100 on your final test? Good luck with it, will be good to read about your progress.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,055 Member
    I did. But it took me more like 5 months! This time I am working through a frozen shoulder. Almost healed now. This is the main reason I will be doing them on my knees. A co worker of mine holds the female title at the law enforcement academy in Douglas WY. I believe she did 103 in 1 minute. I will be doing the test tomorrow. Had an emergency with my aquarium.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,055 Member
    OK got 10 done for the test. Did not want to push it to hard. It gets hard quick enough!

  • nickgolledge
    nickgolledge Posts: 28 Member
    Good luck Shelley! Week 1 complete will do day 1 week 2 tonight. Think it starts to ramp up this week! Everyone else doing okay?
  • airyale15
    airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
    How did everyone go with week 2? I've been recording my form and wasn't getting enough range of motion. Adjusted my form and they've been a lot harder!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,055 Member
    Sorry guys. Having some major issues with my aquarium. Put some medicine in it last week. Now it is foaming up! I have been trying to do water changes to remove all of it. I do not want to lose any of my fish!

    Good luck with week 3 and keeping good form!

  • nickgolledge
    nickgolledge Posts: 28 Member
    Day 2 week 2 done getting a bit concerned about right elbow seems sore after doing the final set will ice and rest it. Hope everyone else doing okay.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,055 Member
    Hope your elbow is ok Nick!
    Week one done!

  • nickgolledge
    nickgolledge Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Shelley, I'm a bit concerned by it I did day 3 week 2 this morning and it's sore now. Week two done week three looks like it ramps up a bit!! Well done one week one how are you finding it?

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,055 Member
    Sorry Nick. I have been preoccupied. My husband of 38 years needs surgery. I have been running around taking him to appointments. He gets surgery on the 27th. It is his neck. :( I am going to do week 1 over. I was a bit sore. I repeated weeks last time I did this. So not to worried. Pushups are great for the upper body and core. So repeat a week when needed. You will see results quickly. Add in some mountain climbers and really see results.

    Were you sore after week 2? Did you get through week 3?

  • airyale15
    airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
    Almost done with Week 3, got to finish off day 3!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 7,055 Member
    Are you still recording yourself? Great job!

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