im trying realllyyyy hard not to have cow milk but sadly im one of those people that is ADDICTED. i loovvveee milk ! but 1. its high in calories 2. its not all that good for you 3. hormones (because i would have holes in pocket if i bought organic every time) & 4.because the human species is the only one that drinks milk…
a good wrist monitor that tellsa me how many calories ive burned with my weight height etc & heart rate ? but deff cals
hi im think about making salmon and veggies tonight i was think some soy sauce , honey & sugar , any lower calories ways u make it ?? im not to expierenced playing around w. salmon yet =] thanks !! =]
im doing cycle 1 , 17 day diet & getting very bored , i have the cookbook but theres not much i like ! =/ ... i need YUMMY food ! ive been craving 2 ingredient pancake ( banana &egg) , but theres no banana allowed & im rlly trying to stick to it perfect ! hellppp pleeaassee ! =]
i've heard ton of raves about kale , im thinking about making kale chips .. any thoughts ?? love / hate them? r they like potato chips ? what do they taste like? thnks !
hi guys ! im looking for some goo crock pot recipes ! just got a brand spankin' new one and have NEVER used one before ! ... i'm not eating red meat for a while , so please turkey, chicken, or fish only please!! and pics if possible ! thanks !
Hi guys ! I've lost 19lbs so far before joining fitness pal ! Im looking to lose -30 more :) i need weight loss buddies ! Add me !