I have been dealing with horrible issues of emotional eating and binge eating. Putting the emotional work aside, that I am gradually working through, do you guys have any tips for what to do/eat/exercise after a binge or the day after to somehow lessen the effects? like, this just happened at 8 pm so should I exercise…
... eggs (can't find the original post anymore:P) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtZ14xEbgzg I just made it for breakfast using the above tips from the video, it was the best poached egg I made by far. hope it helps! :)
Wanna hear something funny? I'm vegetarian and for years I've been hearing the same old "but what about your protein bla bla bla"... now that I have been recording my food intake for a while, I noticed that I am always always having the recommended amount of protein, and not even that but on most days I go over it. What's…
hey guys! this is not a question, but still, something im thinking about. We all know you're supposed to eat your exercise calories and it would actually make you lose weight as opposed to not eating your exercise calories which can put your body in starvation mode. now the thing is I just can't do it lol! simple as that…
I was wondering if anyone here tried the 17 day diet?
hey guys i always end up eating way too much carbs!!!! what do i do? the sad thing is that if i deprive myself of carbs, i get a strong craving and then eat triple of a normal amount! :(