

  • Hi! First of all sorry if this has been discussed somewhere else - if so, please direct me to it. Anyways, i wanted to ask- what's the best use of the 500 cals on the fast days? What do you recommend to eat?
  • oh wow... that's AMAZING improvement.. good job!!! I will try it next time. thanks !:)
    in TOM Comment by liyahxoxo April 2011
  • Bubbles - great job!!! and michelle- thanks for the advice :)
    in TOM Comment by liyahxoxo April 2011
  • me and my best friend decided we are attracted to chocolate lava cake.... is that weird?
  • hahahahahahahahaaahahahahaa IM TOTALLY WITH YOU ! lol! so funny but true !
  • I really want to try this diet . it seems a good one , not just a fad. the only problem for me is that i dont eat meat (or chicken, or seafood, I just eat fish currently but would probably drop that soon) and the doctor who developed the diet relies heavily on animal protein for most meals soo im kinda hesitant i will have…
  • omg can i join??? I also was overweight for my whole life. I don't think I even remember myself thin. My mom says I started gaining weight around the first couple of grades in school (grade 1 or 2).. which makes sense because I remember that was the time I started finding comfort in eating. stats: im 22, 5' 7 heaviest= 199…
  • lol for some reason it reminded me of the assignments on the biggest loser !!:P haha!! no but in all seriousness this is an awesome workout. i would love to experience that but I don't think anyone would agree to do it with me :/ I also love exercising outside, it's so much nicer than in the gym when the weather is nice…
  • I don't :( :cry: it's honestly the worst time for me. I binge and crave, gain weight, and blame myself for the following week, until I get motivated again.. never ending cycle.. hoping to hear some advice from ladies who might have good tips.. so thanks for bringing up the topic:)
    in TOM Comment by liyahxoxo April 2011
  • it's not a small success... its a huge success.. !!!!! you should be really proud of yourself... the result is awesome and even if you're not at the end of your journey yet, the way you completed so far is incredible. :)
  • thats really weird... but depending on how intense was the workout and your weight- it is possible.
  • this happened to me when I started exercising more. I'm sure that's the issue I don't think it's anything to worry about !
  • this happened to me when I started exercising more. I'm sure that's the issue I don't think it's anything to worry about !
  • being able to borrow clothes from my friends (*all* my friends are like size zeros ) :tongue:
  • circuit training , 25 minutes, is the closest thing. they say it's 200 something cals burned but I always adjust it to just 200 because over 200 seems too high. if you have a HRM you can use that it would be more accurate. :)
  • @ Azuleelan and naku: ooh I see. Thanks, it cleared this huge conflict for me. :smile: I think that it's fair to say that each and every body is so different that what works wonders for one, does not work for the other. you just have to find what your body works best with- that right balance.
  • I heard that hemp seed protein is the best though I don't use it cus I have hemp sensitivities. I use whey protein powder which is considered very good too. a nutritionist once told me that brown rice protein powder and soy protein powder are not as good as hemp or whey. don't know if she is right or not... she also told…
  • okay! I feel much better. Thanks for the support everyone, you guys are great!
  • thanks. :smile: it's true I guess. I have to realize that it's a new day tomorrow and a new battle which I'm going to win!
  • Thanks for the support. :) it means a lot :smile: Yuh I think I'll do some zumba before bed. I wish I could keep binge food out of the house, I would if I could. I live with my parents and they're huge sugar addicts so every single day, all my life, we have our dining table full of cakes, cookies, cupcakes, chocolates,…
  • thanks guys! I'll exercise for an hour tonight before going to sleep. I did not track the food because I feel too guilty to face it but I estimated it to be at most 1,000 cals.
  • But I thought that if you exercise a lot and don't eat any of the cals back and you end up with a low caloric intake total for the day and keep on doing this your body starts holding to every little thing you do eat and then it's hard to lose weight?
  • Oh and I wasn't talking about anyone specifically, just jumped into the thread ! I don't mean to offend anyone I promise! :(
  • kay I have a question. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I actually am asking an innocent question: I honestly DON'T understand how can some people never eat ANY of their exercise cals back and lose weight? this does not make sense to me. If I think about myself, personally, trying to do that: a.the math behind it…
  • I'm pretty sure the workout is intended for everyone !:smile:
  • i want to wear a real tiny back dress, strapless, for the first time in my life. :blushing:
  • before I go to any restaurant or cafe I always check their menu online and decide at home, what Im going to order and stick with my decision. look up their website and click on their menu to view it.
  • it's very tasty that way! I love it when the yolk is soft and runny but not too liquidy ! yum!
  • yes of course ! This recipe is a little weird because it's really really spicy. I did it as indicated the first time and it was SOO SPICY for me and I love spicy food... so I cut down on the suggested amount of hot peppers. but here we go: Ingredients: 1 can Chilli beans, or just Chick Peas 1 can Black Beans 1 black beans…