Yesterday I completed my juice fast. Here are the benefits I saw from drinking only fresh veggie and fruit juice for 3 days... 1. Lost 5 lbs in 3 days. I'm sure it was a combo of cleaning out my digestive system and fat. I might gain a bit back, but that's ok. 2. My skin cleared up completely. I haven't had any new…
I often crave spicy food, please post some good healthy recipes or ideas. Thanks!
It should be here Thursday. I'm excited to see what I really burn during certain activities. I hope it will give me the motivation to lose 10-15 lbs before my Hawaiian vacation in June. I will post a before (as of today) swim suit pic. Any tips for this new gadget are much appreciated.
I was reading up on this because I know grass fed is better for you, I just didn't know why. This website not only answered my questions but lead me to the other helpful articles. Enjoy!