I need spicy food ideas

I often crave spicy food, please post some good healthy recipes or ideas.



  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    A post titled "Calling all Mexican lovers" from a couple of weeks ago had a super-easy crockpot recipe for Mexican chicken. It was too spicy for me and I only used half the cayenne. You can find it if you use the Search tool.
  • mtasleem
    mtasleem Posts: 49
    There is this spice mix you can get. Its called "Tandoori Chicken" from Shan. (from any indian store) Its a great marinade for chicken. Just use the spice mix, lemon, garlic/ ginger paste (if you have it), and a little bit of low fat/ light sour cream. You can have it with rice to cool down the spiciness. Or you can have it with some type of salad.
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    You can add chili pepper flakes or srirachi to just about anything and make it spicy dish. Any of your recipes can be adapted by just adding in red chili pepper flakes.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Buy fresh habanero peppers.



    In all seriousness, simply adding fresh spicy peppers to any dish can kick it up. Add some extra hot hot sauce to salsas, salad dressing, etc. I'm a hot sauce freak and Dave's Insanity [purchased online] and/or some ghost chili hot sauce makes everything better.

    One example that I do is mix hot mustard, horseradish, and hot sauce into my hummus for dipping veggies. Or mixing Sriracha with wasabi on sushi. The pain is exquisite.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Buy fresh habanero peppers.



    In all seriousness, simply adding fresh spicy peppers to any dish can kick it up. Add some extra hot hot sauce to salsas, salad dressing, etc. I'm a hot sauce freak and Dave's Insanity [purchased online] and/or some ghost chili hot sauce makes everything better.

    One example that I do is mix hot mustard, horseradish, and hot sauce into my hummus for dipping veggies. Or mixing Sriracha with wasabi on sushi. The pain is exquisite.

    So, THAT's how you lost weight...from the bleeding ulcer!! I have had Dave's Insanity Sauce and it is tasty but it lights a fire coming in AND going out! I can handle the going in part, but the runaway freight train/haley's comet on the porcelain throne is pure torture...
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    For those that are not crazy like Mr. McCrotch and want something simple, Tribe makes a good cracked red pepper hummus...great on whole grain wheat thins...for a snack, like...
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    It's a bit high in sodium, but one of my favorites is to sautee some shrimp in a bit of olive oil and then tossing the shrimp with some buffalo wing sauce. A bit of brown rice and a salad and you have a very low calorie tasty meal.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    make your own salsa! You can make it at hot as you want. then you can put it on anything and everything! I just made some last night :)
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Hungry for Mexican, but it's not doing anything for your waste line? Try these, I made them last night and they were amazing and ready in about 20 minutes! Plus had TONS of fiber and protein!

    1/4 Yellow Onion Chopped
    1 large red bell pepper chopped
    3 cloves of garlic chopped
    1 small package of Port Side Salad shrimp. (you can use other shrimp if you want... 1 1/4 cup frozen uncooked)
    2 wedges laughing cow queso fresco cheese
    2 tsp packaged taco seasoning
    1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
    black pepper, adobo and creole seasoning to taste
    2 homestyle 100 calorie whole grain tortillas

    1. Chop the veggies... I tend to chop the onions first and start cooking them first since I like them the most done, but you could put them all in together if you wanted.

    2. Spray a skillet with cooking spray so the veggies won't stick, and cook on medium until they are soft cook the frozen shrimp in the pan with the veggies until cooked through out .
    - If your veggies and shrimp don't sweat out a lot of water, then add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water to make spices coat easier, etc.

    3. stir in your spices to taste and your laughing cow cheese until melted through out.

    4. Put half in each Tortilla and Enjoy!

    Try this! I'll be making it tonight! really yummy, definately packs a punch and has a lot of fiber and protein
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Buy fresh habanero peppers.



    In all seriousness, simply adding fresh spicy peppers to any dish can kick it up. Add some extra hot hot sauce to salsas, salad dressing, etc. I'm a hot sauce freak and Dave's Insanity [purchased online] and/or some ghost chili hot sauce makes everything better.

    One example that I do is mix hot mustard, horseradish, and hot sauce into my hummus for dipping veggies. Or mixing Sriracha with wasabi on sushi. The pain is exquisite.

    So, THAT's how you lost weight...from the bleeding ulcer!! I have had Dave's Insanity Sauce and it is tasty but it lights a fire coming in AND going out! I can handle the going in part, but the runaway freight train/haley's comet on the porcelain throne is pure torture...

    Lol. I JUST had some Dave's Insanity with my sandwich just now with some mustard and extra dashes of "*kitten* in the Tub" hot sauce for more flavor. Mild perspiration. I have such a cast-iron stomach that I no longer get the RROD, so to speak.