3 day juice reboot

Yesterday I completed my juice fast. Here are the benefits I saw from drinking only fresh veggie and fruit juice for 3 days...
1. Lost 5 lbs in 3 days. I'm sure it was a combo of cleaning out my digestive system and fat. I might gain a bit back, but that's ok.
2. My skin cleared up completely. I haven't had any new blemishes and the ones I have healed.
3. Woke up with more natural engery without feeling sleepy.
4. I'm more aware about what I want to eat. Just looking at processed food I know that I don't want all those chemicals in my body.
5. Satisfaction of completeing 3 days without food. It was a bit challenging and rewarding. I love food and I didn't think I could do it.

The idea behind a reboot or cleanse is to give your digestive system a break so that it can heal and work better. A better working system means you will absorb more nutrients from your food.

i drank 4- 16 ounce juices per day and drank lots of water. I did eat 2 grapefruits and 1 all veggie salad during the whole 3 days. I simply needed a few more calories to keep going, I have a busy life.

There were a few negative side effects, but nothing that would deter me from doing a juice reboot in the future. Day one was ok, day 2 my head was foggy and day 3 was worse. I also had a headache, but if I drank water or juice it would go away. The hunger really wasn't that bad. During the reboot your body is healing you should rest and get planty of sleep. I had mild back discomfort at night. I read that it was because my kidneys were working over time. Other than that it was a success and I would do it again before special occasions to get that juice glow or just to motivate my body.


  • mwelch0212
    mwelch0212 Posts: 11
    Thanks for posting this! I have been thinking about doing one myself but wasn't sure if it was all hype, or if there was actual benefit to it. Plus ... I love food!
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I'm sorry but IMHO these juice fasts are ridiculous. The body requires food for fuel. It's like putting water in your car for 3 days because it needs cleansed. The kidneys and liver do just fine at cleansing, unless you have a medical condition or are on a doctor prescribed fast for some reason (such as upcoming surgery). You got headaches and back pain most likely because your body needs food and was protesting the lack thereof. You lost 5 pounds of water weight. And honestly, I don't understand why in the world a person would want to go multiple days without food. Just my $0.02.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    I'm sorry but IMHO these juice fasts are ridiculous. The body requires food for fuel. It's like putting water in your car for 3 days because it needs cleansed. The kidneys and liver do just fine at cleansing, unless you have a medical condition or are on a doctor prescribed fast for some reason (such as upcoming surgery). You got headaches and back pain most likely because your body needs food and was protesting the lack thereof. You lost 5 pounds of water weight. And honestly, I don't understand why in the world a person would want to go multiple days without food. Just my $0.02.

  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I'm sorry but IMHO these juice fasts are ridiculous. The body requires food for fuel. It's like putting water in your car for 3 days because it needs cleansed. The kidneys and liver do just fine at cleansing, unless you have a medical condition or are on a doctor prescribed fast for some reason (such as upcoming surgery). You got headaches and back pain most likely because your body needs food and was protesting the lack thereof. You lost 5 pounds of water weight. And honestly, I don't understand why in the world a person would want to go multiple days without food. Just my $0.02.

