I have my fitness photo shoot on Jan. 12th. What are you opinions on Spray Tanning vs. Tanning Bed? I've heard the spray tans can make you look orange? If you prefer spray tanning, how many days before the photo shoot should I have it done and how many spray tans would I need to have done? I am hiring someone to come do my…
Ok, so my nutritionist insticts tell me I NEED hard boiled eggs. Good protein..yada, yada, yada. My problem is, I can't stand the texture of them. I can deal with the taste, but the texture just reminds me of eating a gooey, smelly glob of grossness. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas to make this better? Thanks!
What are your thoughts on Endamame Soy Beans? I'm a huge fan of the high protein and ingredients, but I'm not a fan of Soy products...