I have nerve damage in my foot. I was told by to stay off it for 6-8 months. What exercises can I do without using feet?
I eat healthy most of the time. Every month I find my self eating junk for a week or two. I stop logging and weighting myself because I know its worse than I think. I feel some sort of accomplishment (like I cheated and got away with it) when I eat the food my mind is craving. Cheese salsa and tortilla chips, skor candy…
I have changed my diet to eat better. I always thought I was a healthy eater until I started reading FitnessRX magazine and doing research on body building. WoW! I eat a high protein and low carb diet. Low carb mainly because I have celiac disease and gluten free bread is horrible. I go way over the recommended amount for…
My friend and I were disagreeing when the best time to take a multivitamin is. I said at night and he said morning with breakfast. Any input?
I have a scale that is over 15 years old. It measures weight down to half a pound. I see post that have .3 or .7 at the end. Where do you find more accurate scales? Will all the advances in technology, what can your scale do? I think I will get a new one. As a side note why do I always weight 5-8 pounds more at the doctors…
I uploaded my pictures from iphoto to photobucket and can't find the img code. Where is it? I know I need to change IMG to lower case and past to MFP. Please help.
This was my personal 90 day challenge 1/2/2011 -4/2/2011; What I like best is feeling stronger. I have also tried to correct my posture. Before 157 After 141 Pounds
Today was the first time I weighed myself in a long time. I was scared and just didn't want to know. The scale shocked me yet again. These are numbers I have never seen before. I felt the same way last year. My back prevented me from doing exercises last year and after 10 months of physical therapy and countless doctors…