Bought new scales...discouraging
I bought some new bathroom scales today after our old ones broke a few months ago. After three weeks of burning about 450 calories a day, my clothes are looser and I can feel my muscles toning. But these scales say that I have GAINED 13 lbs!! Hubby got on them and was his same old weight....how can I have GAINED when I…
Incisional Hernia
I had a cancer scare last year, in the hospital 3 times, 2 surgeries in which I had a part of my bowel removed and a temporary ileostomy. The ileostomy take down was the end of November. I felt I was healed enough and my energy level was up enough to begin to lose some weight again. And then I developed a hernia at the…
BMI Index is Bogus - NPR
What do you think of this article?? http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=106268439