Bought new scales...discouraging

I bought some new bathroom scales today after our old ones broke a few months ago. After three weeks of burning about 450 calories a day, my clothes are looser and I can feel my muscles toning. But these scales say that I have GAINED 13 lbs!! Hubby got on them and was his same old can I have GAINED when I exercise every day, watch my calories, gave up all booze and only drink water???


  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I've given up my scale for this month because I was discouraged as well.But I also started weights about three months ago so I know it's normal to gain a few pounds.

    What are you doing for exercise?
  • Qsik
    Qsik Posts: 7
    I know how you feel. I haven't bought new scales but I have been doing everything right...eating lots of fresh vegetables, logging food, exercising, drinking at least 8 glasses of water and...have not lost ANY weight in the last 3 weeks. So disheartened. I am in a '12 week challenge' with some friends and everyone else is powering along wiht their weight loss. (we are in week 9)
  • KaraKramerRapp
    KaraKramerRapp Posts: 11 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. It could be that you are loosing fat and gaining muscle.

    I feel the same way, I watch what I eat, drink only water (8-12 cups a day) and do a minimum of 2 miles of walking a day. I've gained and lost and gained and lost over the last month. The suggestion I was given was to measure more than just weight. I'm going to do that tonight, measure my hips, bust, thighs and arms, and see if that changes.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Whoa, wait, hold the phone!!!!! Don't get discouraged! (My trainer keeps reminding me of this when I get discouraged when I get on the scale because my weight has gone up, so I am passing on the encouragement)
    You said your clothes are getting looser (Yay you!!! Celebrate that!!!!) and you can feel your muscles toning (think about how GREAT you look with those nice toned muscles when buy that smaller size because your clothes are loose.) Those are great things and yes, you're going to gain when you get more muscles (I know, I know you should have seen the look I gave my trainer when she says that the last 10 lbs I've gained in the last 7 months is muscle!)

    Just keep working at it, maybe get a measuring tape and check your measurements go by that rather than the number on that mean ole scale (yes, I'm still waiting on the day that I will get on a scale and see the numbers go down... and I have to get on a scale on Monday for my annual physical, not looking forward to that nasty event!)

    Keep up the good work you're doing and don't give up!!!
  • Qsik
    Qsik Posts: 7
    I think this is a good idea. I feel as though I have lost weight and my clothes are definitely fitting better/looser so it is just a big downer when you expect the scales to reflect this and it hasn't changed or worse - gone up. Measuring might help to keep motivated
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    Your clothes are looser........dont look at the scale.
  • Qsik
    Qsik Posts: 7
    Thanks , puts things in perspective.
  • sueclare38
    sueclare38 Posts: 125
    I bought new digital scales cos it's hard to read the markings on the normal old type scales, and the new ones said I weighed around 7lb more than on my old scales. Jumped on the wii fit board and that told me I weigh exactly what the old scales told me. conclusion, newer doesn't always mean better,lol.
  • Earthgrrrlll
    After a gastrointestinal bypass last August and a take down in December, I have developed an incisional hernia in my I can only walk, swim or do modified yoga...which I have been doing. I walk at least an hour each day (4 miles) and I swim for an hour 2xs a week. I do an hour of yoga twice a week.
  • Earthgrrrlll
    Thank you Westcoaster!
  • LoveCR22
    LoveCR22 Posts: 75 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. It could be that you are loosing fat and gaining muscle.


    Muscle takes up less space than fat but a pound of muscle would weigh the same as a pound of fat.
    A pound is a pound doesn't matter what it's made of.
  • 777twist
    777twist Posts: 75 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. It could be that you are loosing fat and gaining muscle.


    Muscle takes up less space than fat but a pound of muscle would weigh the same as a pound of fat.
    A pound is a pound doesn't matter what it's made of.

    Well YES and NO. LoveCR22 is correct, but I think the point that was being made is if her clothes are more loose than before, then she's obviously losing inches... but if the scale isn't showing the losses she expects, then she could be building muscle while losing fat. And there's no real way of knowing that with the information we have.

    My suggestion... try and have two scales from different manufactures. Or right after you weigh yourself, try and weigh yourself on some other scale (supermarket, etc...) to see if it tracks. If your scale showed ##2.4 and another scale shows ##3.1 and then when you weigh yourself next time they stay consistently seven 10ths apart, then you know you are good to go. If they fluctuate a lot, then one of the scales is very inconsistent and you will need to find a new one.

    We had a scale at work that was about year old and got moved a lot, and it just stopped registering the correct weight for certain people. Some scales will register correct at a certain amount of weight, but not correct for another. That's a malfunction and needs to be fixed or replaced.

    I agree with most everyone else though, if you are losing inches and clothes are more loose, then take that as your encouragement.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    I hate scales when they are mean to me. We just bought a digital WW scale with a 450 pound capacity. It's made of glass and really big. I weigh less on that scale then the doctors scale. But my scale weighs the same as the gym scale soooooo, screw the doctors scale.
  • caly_man
    caly_man Posts: 281 Member
    it might be really hard to do...

    but try weighing yourself just once a month
  • ziggiezambi
    ziggiezambi Posts: 253
    I went form 140 to 123 now my scale says I'm not loosing anymore but my belts to the point where I neet to add more knotches its so loose. I think maybe its muscle I am eating about 1300 calories each day and exercising.
  • stacek4
    stacek4 Posts: 30 Member
    I highly recommend the Health-O-Meter body fat scale. It reads your weight, BMI, body fat percent, and also the percentage of your weight that's water. I, too, got frustrated constantly when seeing the number on the scale never changing, or just going up and up. It got to the point where I became obsessed and was weighing myself 2-3 times A DAY (yes, I realize that's the worst thing you can do however it became an addiction to weigh myself). This scale has allowed me to see all the aspects of my weight besides just the number. Definitely a recommendation :-)
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    muscle vs fat ... fat takes up much more room. I wouldn't lose sleep over the scale increase. Did you calibrate your scales? Are you weighing in the AM when you first wake? Are you weighing in your birthday suit or the same clothes? There are so many factors to show a weight-gain but the important thing is you are feeling toner and clothes are looser. Enjoy the NSV's.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Your clothes are looser........dont look at the scale.

    That is really hard not to do. Because those darn numbers are imprinted in your mind. lol But yes, better fitting clothes are the best indicator that you are losing weight.
  • aquarius0202
    aquarius0202 Posts: 14 Member
    thanks also for the encouragement!!! I have been doing zumba, boot camp, + just started yoga, too. but yes, my scale + the MFP
    weight loss weekly goals aren't quite in sync. I won't give up but I must find the source! I am also looking into my medications -
    that can also affect weight loss.
  • aquarius0202
    aquarius0202 Posts: 14 Member
    which stores carry that brand? I live in new York state...