Bought new scales...discouraging



  • stacek4
    stacek4 Posts: 30 Member
    I've found the Health-O-Meter scales right in Walmart in the home improvement section for "bathroom". They have their own little section for scales and measuring tools :)
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I was NEVER a believer that muscle weighed more than fat...until one of my clients proved me wrong. She was my age - almost my exact height but appeared a HELL OF A LOT thinner and tried saying she weighed almost as much as me. She was an avid swimmer and worked out every night of the week...I tried calling her bluff with the scale....she weighed MORE than me!!!!

    If your clothes are looser...start measuring your body and try to get something to measure your body fat and give up the traditional pounds scale ;)
  • cook6609
    cook6609 Posts: 182 Member
    I don't know if this could play a part in your bathroom, but it did mine... The floor in my bathroom is tile... The problem with this was that my scale was never balanced. I could get on three different times and have three different numbers. Finally, I ended up moving my scale downstairs. You have to find a perfectly (non-carpeted lol) leveled place to keep your scale and to weigh yourself. Otherwise, the number will not be accurate. It was so off one time that it said that I was 176 lbs when I was definitely 220lbs (quite the opposite direction as your move, but just showing a point).
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    If you are new to exercising you probably are retaining water. Chill, you will probably be seeing a nice drop in weight all of a sudden. BTW weight loss is not linear. It is erratic and has plateaus. Patience grasshopper. Your weight will be following those lost inches.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    I was NEVER a believer that muscle weighed more than fat...until one of my clients proved me wrong. She was my age - almost my exact height but appeared a HELL OF A LOT thinner and tried saying she weighed almost as much as me. She was an avid swimmer and worked out every night of the week...I tried calling her bluff with the scale....she weighed MORE than me!!!!

    If your clothes are looser...start measuring your body and try to get something to measure your body fat and give up the traditional pounds scale ;)

    Right on. 1 cu foot of lead weighs more than 1 cu foot of feathers. Fat people float on water, muscular people sink.

    On average; a female scuba diver weighing 150Lb will need more weight to hold her under than what a 150Lb man does. Women typically have more body fat and less muscle than a man.
  • JudithEssex
    JudithEssex Posts: 34 Member
    I think we have the problem. I am tracking, moving, drinking H2O - and have lost 4 pounds in about 5 weeks. UG! I have 15 more to go.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. It could be that you are loosing fat and gaining muscle.


    Muscle takes up less space than fat but a pound of muscle would weigh the same as a pound of fat.
    A pound is a pound doesn't matter what it's made of.

    Yes!! thank you
  • Qsik
    Qsik Posts: 7
    Muscle weighs more than fat. It could be that you are loosing fat and gaining muscle.


    Muscle takes up less space than fat but a pound of muscle would weigh the same as a pound of fat.
    A pound is a pound doesn't matter what it's made of.

    Yes!! thank you

    This would kind of explain the smaller size but no change in weight....muscle not weighing MORE than fat but..... replacing 1lb of fat with 1lb of muscle would take up less 'space' ie actually losing inches not lbs

    Thanks to everyone for explanations and encouragement. It helps to just know others are dealing with the same thing :)
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Forget the scale...keep within calorie range and exercise.!
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Read this:
  • sabina2905
    People - for goodness sake! We are talking about muscle mass here, and not weight. A handful of muscle weighs approximately TWICE as much as the same amount of fat, so a pound of muscle takes up a lot less space than a pound of fat, thus a slim person with muscle can weigh the same as a fat person without muscle. Only go by the scales if you are not lifting weights.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    It's not likely that it's muscle. Nor is it likely it's fat. More than not you're carrying around a lot of water and waste. I don't know how you've been eating. You could have gained fat. But I would say that if your clothes are fitting better, you're in far better shape regardless of what the scales say and your body composition is simply changing. I would not be worried. Men are different. They lose easy and they don't hold water as much. You can't compare yourself to your husband.

    Also, if they're cheap bathroom scales, they're always bad. You didn't say what kind you got. I wouldn't worry. You know if you're gaining or not.
  • Nanigae
    Nanigae Posts: 7
    Do you have any weights at home? Put one on the old scale and then on the new scale. At least that would confirm the reliability of the scale in question.
  • rubypond
    rubypond Posts: 41 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. It could be that you are loosing fat and gaining muscle.

    I feel the same way, I watch what I eat, drink only water (8-12 cups a day) and do a minimum of 2 miles of walking a day. I've gained and lost and gained and lost over the last month. The suggestion I was given was to measure more than just weight. I'm going to do that tonight, measure my hips, bust, thighs and arms, and see if that changes.

    Exactly, if you feel you muscles toning it might be that they are also getting bigger and if that is the case you are going to start seeing weight gains on the scale. That's why scales aren't all that reliable. If you're feeling good about it and feel your still losing then don't get upset about it. You'll know whey you gain, you'll feel it. I know the next morning if I have lost or gained, even if it is only a pound.
  • WrenTheCoffeeAddict
    WrenTheCoffeeAddict Posts: 148 Member
    Just something else to add here - don't make the same mistake I made a while ago - don't put your scales on carpet flooring...