Adding Pictures
Is there an easier way to add pictures other than Photobucket. I have added a few but can not seem to add any today. I already changed the IMG to img etc.... what am I missing. Any help would be great.:smile:
adding pictures part 2
Ads on MFP
Why is it all at once, I am being bombarded with popups and ads that have never been on MFP before, and worst of all they tend to be for "quick fixes" diet gimmicks and everything in general most members on MFP try to stay away from?
Does anyone else consume in excess of 100 gr. of protein a day? This is the minimum amount that my Doctor recommended today and she told me the optimum amount would be closer to 110-120! I have been trying to eat more turkey, chicken fish, beans etc... I have also tried protein bars and try to incorporate as much protein…
Trying again to post my "before" Picture!